The Many Items and Endings of Super Smash Bros Ultimate

3 minute read

As the biggest crossover fighting game franchise, Super Smash Bros continues to surprise and delight fans with new characters, stages and gameplay. The latest installment, Super Smash Bros Ultimate on Nintendo Switch, took fighting game customization and exploration to new heights. Let’s take a deeper look at some of the many new customizable items and endings added in this popular game.

New Items To Entertain Players

Super Smash Bros Ultimate introduced thirteen new items for players to wield in battle. Strange and silly tools like the banana gun and fake smash ball added fresh ways to surprise opponents. Other items paid homage to Nintendo’s vast library of franchises, with items pulled directly from games like Kirby’s bomber and the insight staff from Kid Icarus. These nods to Nintendo history delighted longtime fans. More powerful additions like the black hole and rage blaster also suited the intense battles between beloved characters. With so many new strategies and power-ups, no two fights played out the same.

Hidden Endings Reward Dedicated Players

To achieve 100% completion in Super Smash Bros Ultimate required beating not one but three challenging final bosses: Galeem, Darkhon, and the combined might of Galeem + Darkhon. Fans who persevered through these epic fights were treated to unique endings that wrapped up the game’s story. Beating each boss counted as a different “ending tile”, for a total of 615 tiles across the game’s various modes and playable characters. Only the most dedicated of players would see every conclusion the game had to offer. These hidden rewards provided extra motivation for long-time Smash Bros fans to explore every nook of the massive game.

While thirteen completely new items debuted in Ultimate, many fan-favorite power-ups from past Smash Bros games also made a comeback. Items like the healing sprout and healing field provided crucial support during intense 4-player scraps. Others like the deaths scythe paid tribute to the Castlevania series. Some returning items received tweaks, such as the super launch star being reimagined from the Mario Galaxy games. Familiar yet fresh, these redone power-ups satisfied fans of the franchise while adding new strategic dimensions. Between fresh concepts and reinvented classics, Smash Bros Ultimate offered item variety that could satisfy players both new and nostalgic.

Contributions From Kid Icarus And Fire Emblem

Nintendo’s diverse library of franchises means Smash Bros is always pulling new moves, characters and items from across its history. Two series heavily featured in Ultimate were Kid Icarus and Fire Emblem. The insight staff weapon made the leap to Smash Bros from Kid Icarus, though it went simply by “staff” in the crossover. Meanwhile, Fire Emblem lent its killing edge blade - an iconic weapon fitting for the anime-style swordplay of several FE characters now in Smash. Guest appearances from Nintendo’s vast worlds not only added authenticity, but also exposed new fans to the rich histories driving these acclaimed titles. The crossover effect worked both ways.

Copying Pictures Fuels Discovery

To fully document the new items and endings required copying pictures from the game. For the writer, this process of close examination only fueled further immersion and discovery. Small details not noticed in the heat of battle popped out on second viewing. Discussing these findings also allowed sharing joy with other fans dedicated enough to seek out each secret. While exhausting to initially research every last new addition, spreading knowledge rewarded that effort. Now many players who otherwise may not find all the hidden conclusions can experience the full epic scale of Super Smash Bros Ultimate, thanks to engaged community members eager to catalog the franchise’s ever-expanding breadth.

The Franchise’s Bright Future Despite Creator’s Fatigue

At 48 years old, Super Smash Bros creator Masahiro Sakurai has expressed weariness with the demands of continually expanding the game. However, the franchise is simply too huge a moneymaker for Nintendo to end anytime soon. Moving forward, new directors following Sakurai’s vision will hopefully maintain Smash Bros’ acclaim while respecting its father’s limits. With Nintendo’s deep bench of revered properties and hungry fans, opportunities to wow remain abundant. So while change lies ahead, the foundations remain strong for this flagship fighting series to entertain for generations to come. Super Smash Bros cemented itself as a permanent part of video game history - its future, though uncertain, seems bright. The Many Items and Endings of Super Smash Bros Ultimate

