Falling for you

3 minute read

I chuckled loudly, trying to hide my embarrassment as my friend teased about my lack of romance. Inside, I felt anything but joking. The truth was I had been harbouring feelings for someone - someone I couldn’t have. passionate heart desires longing glances Every time I saw her, I wanted to spill all the poetry and sweet nothings I kept bottled up. But I dared not let her see how deeply I cared - it would leave me too vulnerable. If she knew how I felt, she would have power over me that I wasn’t ready to give. So I stuffed down my emotions and pretended not to feel the torrent inside.

My well kept secret

Little did my friend know, the romance was there - it just couldn’t be for him. While others spoke lightly of casual flings, for me there was only one - the dreamy daydreams I nurtured alone. If only walls could talk, they would know the secret whispers I uttered in solitude. But no one could hear the private proclamations of my true heart. innermost feelings deepest devotion heart’s desire

Words left unsaid

All the beautiful language I longed to speak remained trapped within. My soul cried out to shower her with affection, yet dared not let the three words slip free for fear of rejection. So I kept my deepest devotion chained, not daring to hope it could ever be requited. If only she knew how her simple smile or touch set my spirit soaring. But she remained oblivious to the secrets I harboured so zealously guarded.

Ignorant bliss

While for me each moment held a private pining, to her we interacted as normal friends. She went about her day unburdened by hidden ardour, unaware the simple glances we shared held deeper meaning for me alone. Perhaps it was better this way - at least for now she felt no pressure or obligation. Her blithe ignorance spared us potential awkwardness. So I endured my clandestine adoration silently.

A chance at confession

One night, after everyone else had left, I found the courage to finally speak my heart. Looking into her beautiful eyes, I laid bare my soul, confessing every flowery phrase and poetic musing I had jealously kept to myself. At last all the sonnets and declarations spilled freely from my lips, no longer dammed behind lips. Her reaction could determine my happiness or break my heart - but either way, she would finally understand. In that pivotal moment, my destined love was laid before her. Now her reply would be my answer. blossoming love bared soul kindred spirits

A reciprocated love

Her reply was all I dreamed - smiling through welling tears, she took my hands and reciprocated every sentiment. Her heart, too, had long harboured a secret affinity but doubted it could be returned. In an instant all doubt melted away as we realized our fates had been intertwined all along. At last we could love openly without barriers, nourish our kindred souls through honesty and trust. From that moment a blooming romance began more beautiful than any tale could capture. Her acceptance was the greatest gift she could ever offer me.

Our soulbound future

Now no force on earth could come between the love we shared. Having overcome the barriers of secrecy, an eternity stretched brightly before us. No more longing stares from afar - henceforth we would walk together, nourishing our connection through compassion and understanding. Whatever life brought, we would face united as one. And in quieter moments we looked to the future, envisioning little visions of the life and family we would build together as soulmates through all seasons. At last the future was ours to shape as we pleased, bound eternally by the love that could deny. Falling for you