How to Get Ripped through Daily Push-Ups

4 minute read

Making Push-Ups Your Main Exercise

While push-ups alone may not be enough to get you ripped, incorporating them daily as your main bodyweight exercise can certainly help sculpt your physique when combined with a healthy diet and cardio. Let’s take a look at how champion athlete Herschel Walker relied heavily on push-ups to transform his physique and achieve athletic success.

Herschel Walker’s Push-Up Journey

As a young boy, Herschel Walker was chubby and struggled with his confidence due to bullying. He was discouraged from even going outside at recess. Wanting to change his situation, Walker committed himself to a simple routine consisting of sprinting, sit-ups, and push-ups on a daily basis. Although he couldn’t perform a single push-up at first, he slowly built up his endurance and strength. Within time, Walker was able to perform an impressive 2,000 push-ups per day through dedication and consistency. By focusing on high volumes of bodyweight exercises like push-ups, squats, lunges and pull-ups, Walker transformed his physique and athletic abilities. He went on to become a star football player in both college and the NFL while also competing in bobsledding and martial arts at high levels. Even at the age of 60, Walker still performs 750-1500 push-ups daily, demonstrating the long-term benefits of this bodyweight exercise.

Scaling Push-Ups For All Levels

While Herschel Walker’s push-up numbers may seem extreme, regular push-ups can still benefit most people when programmed appropriately for their individual fitness level and goals. Whether you’re a beginner or advanced practitioner, it’s important to scale the exercise and find variations that challenge you. Here are some effective ways to do so:

Beginner Variations

  • Knee push-ups allow you to modify the range of motion and reduce stress on your body by putting your knees on the floor.
  • Incline push-ups use an elevated surface like a wall or desk to make the exercise easier.
  • Lean against a bench or sturdy surface for wall push-ups to lighten the load.

    Intermediate Variations

  • Elevated feet push-ups place your feet on a bench or chair to increase difficulty.
  • Hands together push-ups bring your hands closer together below your chest.
  • Clapping push-ups incorporate a plyometric element by clapping your hands together above your chest.

    Advanced Variations

  • One-arm push-ups perform the movement on each side individually.
  • Piked push-ups elevate your hips higher than your shoulders.
  • Handstand push-ups kick your entire body upwards into a vertical position.

    Using Push-Ups for Cardiovascular Health

    Recent research highlights the cardiovascular benefits of push-up ability and training. A 2019 study published in JAMA Network Open found that men who could perform 40 or more push-ups had a significantly lower risk of cardiovascular disease events over a 10-year period compared to those performing fewer push-ups. By performing push-ups regularly, you can safely increase your cardiovascular endurance over time.

    Mastering High Volumes With Proper Form

    While high volumes of push-ups like Herschel Walker achieved can yield impressive results, it’s important to develop the ability gradually with excellent form to avoid injury. Here are some tips for sustainable progress:

    Maintaining Proper Form

  • Keep your core engaged and don’t allow your hips to sag.
  • Inhale on the lowering movement and exhale pressing back up.
  • Don’t allow your shoulders to round forward - keep them pulled down and back.

    Gradually Increasing Volume

  • Start with a comfortable number you can perform with good form.
  • Slowly add 1-5 repetitions to your sets every few sessions.
  • Listen to your body and deload if needed to avoid overtraining.

    Fueling Your Workouts

  • Be sure to consume enough high-quality protein and calories to support muscle protein synthesis during recovery periods.
  • Stay hydrated both during and after push-up sessions.

    Customizing a Daily Push-Up Routine

    To maximize the benefits of daily push-ups, construct a simple routine you can consistently fit into your schedule. Prioritize quality over bare minimum repetitions by focusing on full-range controlled movements. Here is a sample full-body routine:

    Morning Push-Ups

    Perform 100 basic push-ups split into 2-3 sets to wake up your muscles first thing.

    Lunchtime Push-Ups

    Knock out a challenging variation like diamond or one-arm push-ups with 2-3 sets of 10-15 on your break.

    Evening Push-Ups

    Cap off your day with a combo superset. Alternate between 15 push-ups and 15 bodyweight squats for 3 rounds before dinner.

    Long-Term Benefits of Daily Push-Ups

    Consistency is key to achieving rippling physique transformations through bodyweight exercises like push-ups over an extended period. While pushing extreme volumes may not be sustainable long-term, maintaining a daily habit of moderate push-ups can provide lasting benefits well into your senior years if performed safely. By 68 years old, the author was still performing 175 push-ups every morning with ease, a testament to the low-impact nature of this highly scalable exercise. Make push-ups a lifelong staple in your routine by simply committing to short daily sessions. In summary, developing the habit of performing push-ups regularly through consistency and gradual progression is a highly effective path to obtaining a chiseled physique while protecting long-term health. Take inspiration from champions like Herschel Walker who relied primarily on bodyweight training for astonishing results both physically and athletically. Focus on quality form over high volumes and customize your routine to suit your schedule - with time and dedication, daily push-ups can transform your body and take you one step closer to your goal of getting absolutely ripped. How to Get Ripped through Daily Push-Ups

