My Amazing Transformation Journey

3 minute read

Starting the Journey

Back in 2009, I started gaining weight due to lack of physical activities and unhealthy eating habits. By mid-2013, I had turned into an overweight person weighing 86kg. I did not pay attention to my weight and continued with my unhealthy lifestyle. Things started to change when I joined engineering college and noticed my weight fluctuating unintentionally. Though I used to play cricket regularly, it did not help me reduce weight. I completed 3 semesters without focusing on my health. Everything changed at the beginning of my fourth semester when I woke up one fine day in February and went for my first ever jogging session. Within 15 days of continuing with light exercise and changing my eating habits, I started seeing positive results. I was motivated to keep going with my healthy routine.

Implementing Lifestyle Changes

I stopped consuming junk food, fried items and carbonated drinks. I incorporated healthy habits like eating sprouted grains for breakfast, drinking 3-4 litres of water daily and consuming at least one piece of fruit. Within a few months of consistent efforts, I achieved my desired weight of 56kg. Exercising became my passion and I developed enough stamina to run 10km continuously. The positive side effects of my lifestyle changes were glowing skin and a strong physique. By mid-2015, I had lost almost 20kg and maintained my new healthy weight through continual exercise and appropriate dieting. Through hard work and determination, I transformed my body and life completely in just two years.

Intensifying My Workout Routine

In 2016, I thought of taking my fitness journey to the next level by joining a gym. At the gym, I followed a tailored routine along with monitoring my diet closely. Within a year, I reduced my weight further to 83kg. I especially focused on strength training and increased my routine to intense 1.25 hour sessions, followed by 20 minutes of cardio. I started my day with an early morning workout in a fasted state. My protein-rich diet consisted of foods like eggs, chicken, lentils and green vegetables. On rest days, I allowed myself a cheat meal while avoiding deep-fried options. Through this disciplined approach, I was able to achieve significant fat loss and muscle gains.

Adopting Intermittent Fasting

After noticing a slowdown in my progress, I researched effective dieting methods. I identified intermittent fasting combined with a low-carb approach as a suitable option for my body type. With IF, I restricted my daily eating window and increased my water intake. Within a few months, I enhanced my muscle definition and fat loss further. Today, I continue fasting from evenings till morning and stick to a protein-focused menu. My workouts last over an hour including both strength and cardio. I feel privileged to have transformed my health journey from obesity to fitness through dedication and hard work.

Maintaining a Balanced Lifestyle

Reaching my fitness goals has allowed me to successfully manage a busy schedule over the past few years. Consistent exercise and proper dieting are non-negotiable parts of my daily routine. On rest days, leisure activities like singing help me maintain work-life balance. I enjoy sharing my transformation story to motivate others struggling with unhealthy habits. A strong mind and peaceful life are key to achieving long-term success in any goal. Regular check-ups with my doctor ensure my continued progress on the health front. I aspire to reach a lean and toned physique in the coming months through focused efforts. Overall, adopting small incremental changes along my journey has led to a complete overhaul in my lifestyle. Discipline, patience and perseverance helped me transform my body and mindset towards lifelong wellness and vibrancy. My amazing transformation serves as living proof that anyone can achieve their fitness dreams through hard work and determination. My Amazing Transformation Journey

