Enlightenment: Its True Nature and How to Realize It

2 minute read

Beyond Personal Achievement

True enlightenment cannot be attained as if it were some personal achievement or personal possession. It is our natural, primordial state - our essence beyond the realm of name and form. Many mistakenly believe that enlightenment results in permanent bliss and escape from all difficulties, but this misunderstands enlightenment’s true nature. In reality, an enlightened being is simply one who abides in their essence, acting freely yet aligned with cosmic order, unaffected by outward circumstances.

Not an Identity

Enlightenment is not something achieved by an identifiable “someone.” Any notion of an individual self seeking enlightenment implies duality, whereas enlightenment is simply reality seen as it is - non-dual awareness before the emergence of separate consciousness. True insight reveals that no discrete eternal self exists apart from absolute being itself. All identity, including that of the seeker, is temporal and experiencial - mere ripples on the surface of boundless awareness underneath.

Living Consciously

Rather than a personal accomplishment, enlightenment describes a way of living where one’s daily activities flow freely from presence rather than reaction or compulsion. An enlightened individual acts spontaneously yet harmoniously aligned with natural order at each moment. Taking a shower involves only showering; eating involves only eating. Helping others in need involves only attending to their needs in that instance. Mindful presence without agenda characterizes enlightened living.

Direct Perception, Not Concept

Enlightenment cannot be found by following any method or accumulating spiritual knowledge and experiences. It is realized through intuiting one’s true nature directly beyond all conceptual filters. Terms like Self, God, soul or consciousness refer only to mental representations, not truth itself. Ultimate reality can only be known non-conceptually through intimate, naked perception of what simply is before all thought. No path or technique exist to enlightenment - they can only ready the mind to glimpse its source.

Who Am I?

The only question is “Who am I”? Finding the answer lies in observing oneself just as one is in each living moment, prior to mental narrative. This requires letting go of all presuppositions about an autonomous identity and relaxing into bare awareness itself. Only by settling deeply into formless awareness can the mind transcend illusion and directly perceive its non-dual ground of being. Here enlightenment is seen not as something attained but recognized as one’s eternal, unborn essence.

Beyond Self and Other

With realization of one’s nature as absolute, limitless awareness comes understanding of the non-dual, interdependent nature of all phenomena. True insight reveals that no separation truly exists between subject and object, self and other. From an enlightened perspective, all beings share the same essence of undivided beingness. Attaining liberation involves freeing not just oneself but all of existence from illusion through compassionate presence. The enlightened live in solidarity with all life, acting to uplift others yet attached to no outcome.

Living Fully Awake

Enlightenment is not an exotic altered state but living life fully awake. An enlightened person simply abides as awareness in all situations without contracting into a separate point of view. Though immersed in daily activities, within they dwell in formless being, untouched by pleasures or pains. True freedom means spontaneously fulfilling one’s role yet unbound by expectations or attachments. The enlightened actualize their full potential effortlessly for benefit of all. Enlightenment: Its True Nature and How to Realize It

