Adjusting to the New Normal During a Pandemic

1 minute read

My family is coping with the challenges and changes brought on by the coronavirus pandemic. As the situation continues to evolve, we find ways to support each other while staying safe at home.

Adapting to Uncertain Work Schedules

My oldest son has faced uncertainty with his essential worker status changing frequently. Each notification via our family chat leaves me hoping he will be furloughed for his protection, though I understand his dedication to fulfilling crucial roles. My daughter risks exposure as a hospice CNA without adequate personal protective equipment. I’ve sewn masks for her and coworkers to reduce the risks they take caring for at-risk patients.

Isolating from Loved Ones for Their Safety

Not seeing my grandmother, who lives in assisted living, has been difficult. I’ve provided masks for her facility’s caregivers though we must stay apart. My 17-year-old son’s priorities concern me, but for now I accept his living elsewhere.

Adjusting to Remote Learning and Work

My youngest daughters start online schooling this week, navigating unfamiliar routines. My husband and I work from home, a change for me as a new remote assistant. Adjusting communication and boundaries proves vital for productivity and family cooperation.

Preparing Financially for Possible Layoffs

One-quarter of my husband’s coworkers faced furloughs, emphasizing the job insecurity many experience. We budget carefully considering potential income loss, though hope remains. My father wisely prepared for shortages and now assists converting facilities to care for COVID-19 patients.

Promoting Health and Sanitation at Home

Strict safety protocols protect my parents, including disinfecting all deliveries and requiring bathing upon arrival. Their foresight secured essential supplies when shortages struck. In my current stay, I aid however needed while avoiding infection.

Contributing through Mask Production

Sewing 10 masks daily and 20 on weekends fills needs in my community and beyond. Donations of fabric and elastic arrive to sustain this effort. Coping together through generosity and adaptation gives hope that we will overcome present hardships.

Relying on Determined Ingenuity in Tough Times

When our stove broke during curfew, cooking on an iron exemplified resourcefulness. United purpose sees us through restrictions for long term well-being. Each small act of perseverance gives strength until normal routines resume. Adjusting to the New Normal During a Pandemic

