The Ups and Downs of Medical School

2 minute read

Beginning with Wonder and Awe

Entering medical college was like a dream come true. I walked through the impressive entrance gates of my college with stars in my eyes, filled with wonder and excitement. Television shows about doctors had painted an idealized picture of what to expect, and the beautiful campus surroundings only added to my feelings of being on top of the world. However, it didn’t take long for reality to set in. The coursework was much more difficult and intensive than I had anticipated. Subjects like anatomy and physiology that had come easily in high school now required intense focus and memorization. Adjusting to the heavy workload and new style of learning was an adjustment.

Conquering Fears in the Dissection Hall

The dissection hall, where we practiced anatomy, was particularly intimidating at first. holding human organs and examining internal structures was a far cry from the pictures in textbooks. I dreaded having to identify structures with trepidation. But over time, with repeated practice under guidance, my fears faded. Facing my fears head on and gaining confidence in my abilities was hugely empowering.

Emerging interests in clinical subjects

In second year, I was introduced to more clinically oriented subjects like pharmacology, pathology and microbiology. Some subjects like microbiology really clicked with me and reinvigorated my passion. Having the opportunity to apply our learnings to real patients through clinical ward rounds was also highly motivating. I was gradually starting to see the practical applications and find my place in the field.

Falling for pediatrics

It was during my pediatrics rotation in fifth semester that I felt myself truly connecting with a specialty for the first time. Caring for children in the wards, OPD and neonatal units was an absolutely rewarding experience. For the first time, I felt a strong sense of purpose and direction in my career. Pediatrics became my main area of interest going forward.

Thriving during clinical years but dreading exams

The third year brought more clinic-focused learning that I greatly enjoyed. However, a constant undercurrent of anxiety surrounded the looming university exams. With so much riding on a single high-stakes test, it was difficult to truly relax. This anxiety peaked during the intense pressure of final year, when we juggled full clinical responsibilities with intensive exam preparation.

Realizing the realities of practice

My internship was supposed to be a celebratory time without tests. But it was also when the harsh realities of medical practice set in. In today’s specialist-heavy systems, general physicians have less autonomy. The idealized TV version of medicine bears little resemblance to the real-world pressures and bureaucracy. It was a challenging realization.

Finding purpose despite challenges

Overall, my medical school journey was a mix of highs and lows. While the pressures were immense, facing fears and gaining clinical experience were hugely rewarding. Most importantly, I found my calling in pediatrics to focus on. Every career has challenges, but as long as one finds their purpose, it makes facing those challenges worthwhile. The Ups and Downs of Medical School

