When to Call it Quits in a Relationship

2 minute read

Relationships require effort from both partners to thrive. However, there are certain signs that indicate one or both people have given up trying to make it work. Here are some telltale signs it may be time to end the relationship.

Constant Arguments

When arguments are a regular occurrence and little conflicts escalate into full-blown fights, it’s a major red flag. Healthy relationships involve disagreements at times, but constant battling wears away at the emotional intimacy and trust between partners. If efforts to communicate more constructively have failed, it may be best to accept the relationship has run its course.

Reminders of Past Hurts

Bringing up something hurtful from the past during a disagreement is an attempt to gain the upper hand or make the other person feel bad. When partners are consistently throwing old mistakes in each other’s faces instead of moving forward, they are still emotionally tied to past angers rather than focused on the present. This behavior is toxic and prevents the relationship from progressing in a positive manner.

Discomfort and Lack of Trust

Partners should feel safe, accepted and trusting with one another. If one or both individuals no longer feel at ease around their partner or question their fidelity, the foundation of comfort and security has crumbled. Without this basis, partners will constantly second-guess each other’s intentions which breeds resentment over time.

Physical or Emotional Abuse

No person deserves to feel unsafe or fearful in a relationship. When violence, intimidation, controlling behaviors or other forms of abuse are present, it is never acceptable to remain. Leaving becomes a matter of personal well-being and safety. Support should be sought from trusted friends/family members or local abuse organizations.

Giving up on Change

If issues have been openly discussed and addressed to no avail, despite efforts over time, one or both partners may lose hope that the relationship can be repaired or improved. Wishing and waiting for someone to change who isn’t willing or able is fruitless. It’s better to accept reality than cling to wishes and prolong unhealthy dynamics.

Lack of Intimacy or Connection

Emotional and physical intimacy are vital components of a romantic relationship. When caring, sharing, touching and intimacy are mostly absent due to withdrawal by one or both individuals, it indicates disinterest, loss of bond or frustration. While libido varies, a near complete lack can destroy feelings of being valued and desired by one’s partner.

Seeing More Negatives Than Positives

It’s normal for even strong relationships to have ups and downs. However, if one primarily sees flaws and irritations rather than redeeming qualities in their partner, they have likely checked out on some level. An objective look may reveal it’s time to acknowledge the relationship is past its viable point if positives no longer seem to outweigh the negatives overall. When to Call it Quits in a Relationship

