The Global Perspective on Barack Obama’s Presidency

3 minute read

The Optimism and Hope Obama Brought to the World

When Barack Obama was elected president in 2008, people around the world reacted with palpable joy and excitement. In Germany, Switzerland, and other European nations, Obama was widely respected and liked. After eight years under George W. Bush, whose administration was seen as dangerously ideological and incompetent abroad, Obama represented a refreshing change in American leadership.

A Return to Moral Authority and Nuance

Where Bush was often dismissed as awkward and a laughingstock for his verbal blunders, Obama exuded intelligence, wit, and nuance. He gave thoughtful, moving speeches that resonated globally. With his election, many hoped America would move past the era of warmongering and deception that characterized Bush’s presidency. Obama seemed poised to reestablish the United States as a moral authority on the world stage once more.

High Hopes for U.S. Leadership Under Obama

A Surge of Optimism in Europe

In Europe, Obama’s election sparked genuine optimism that significant progress could be made on issues like climate change mitigation efforts and resolving long-standing conflicts in places like the Middle East. There was a widespread feeling that with Obama at the helm, America would help usher in an era of greater cooperation and consensus-building internationally.

A Respected and Beloved Leader

Polling showed Obama enjoyed strong approval ratings abroad during most of his time in office. Whether in Germany, Switzerland, or elsewhere, he tended to be viewed quite favorably as someone who could restore dignity and competence to American leadership. When traveling overseas, Obama inspired the kind of frenzied excitement usually reserved for pop stars, not politicians.

The Reality of Governing Proved Challenging

Setbacks in Syria and with Israel-Palestine

While Obama inspired immense hope worldwide, governing proved difficult and failures were impossible to avoid completely. His policies in Syria were seen by many as lacking direction. And despite efforts, no progress was made on resolving the Israel-Palestine conflict during his presidency.

Growing Frustration with Gridlock in Washington

Domestically, Obama faced unprecedented partisan rancor and Congressional obstructionism from Republicans. This made accomplishing his agenda domestically very difficult and was a source of frustration even among his supporters overseas. Many felt Americans had let down a uniquely talented leader by not supporting him more vigorously.

Lingering Admiration and Respect for Obama

Fond Memories of a Beloved Ex-President

Even after leaving office, Obama remained extremely well-regarded around much of the world. In Europe, most look back fondly on his presidency and miss his leadership, especially compared to the current occupant of the White House. Obama left office with his approval ratings abroad still high.

A Standard of Competence Future Leaders are Judged By

Whether one agrees with all of his policies or not, Obama restored dignity and competence to the American presidency after Bush at a critical time. He set a gold standard for oratory, intelligence, and diplomacy that future world leaders, including American presidents, will inevitably be measured against. His legacy as one of America’s most admired leaders on the global stage endures.

Worldwide Dismay at Obama’s Successor

A Collective Sense of Disbelief and Anxiety

When Donald Trump was elected in 2016, reactions overseas ranged from dismay to horror. In conversations with Americans living abroad, locals expressed sympathy, lamenting how such a figure could come to lead the U.S. There was a pervasive sense that America’s word had lost much of its credibility and reliability as an ally.

A New Era of Uncertainty in Global Affairs

With Trump in the White House, things that were taken for granted, like America’s role in upholding the global order, curbing nuclear threats, and leading on issues like trade and climate change are now uncertain. The election of 2016 marked a sea change and a significant decline in America’s soft power and goodwill built up under leaders like Obama. Whether that damage can be undone remains to be seen.

Obama’s Legacy of Restoring Hope Remains His Greatest Triumph

A President Who Made the World Believe in Possibility Again

More than any policy accomplishment, Obama will likely be most remembered globally for the authentic hope, optimism, and faith in progressivism he inspired the world with. At a time when many despaired of American leadership and the future, Obama gave people reason to believe in possibility and cooperation again. Itwas a priceless yet fleeting gift during his presidency.

A Precedent of Moral, Thoughtful Leadership Lives On

While the day to day realities of the office forced some compromises, Obama restored decency and smart diplomacy to the Oval Office. His example of empathetic, nuanced decision making set a precedent future leaders would do well to aspire to. In that sense, Obama’s legacy lives on in keeping alive the vision of an America that leads on principle, not just power. The Global Perspective on Barack Obama's Presidency

