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Choosing a Memorable Gamertag

4 minute read

When it comes to gaming, your username is often someone’s first impression of you. Picking the right gamertag can be tricky but reflects who you are and allo...

Our Story of Love and Commitment

1 minute read

Everyday Romance We found love in the little things we do for each other every day. Bringing breakfast to each other in bed, helping with chores, sensing moo...

Food Rationing and Human Survival

3 minute read

Surviving on limited food and calories requires strategic rationing to maximize energy stores. Let’s examine food intake at Auschwitz concentration camp and ...

How to Get Ripped through Daily Push-Ups

4 minute read

Making Push-Ups Your Main Exercise While push-ups alone may not be enough to get you ripped, incorporating them daily as your main bodyweight exercise can ce...